Congregation Name Arrival in the Diocese
1. Franciscan Sisters of St. Mary of the Angels - FSMA 8 July, 1964
2. Sacred Heart Sisters - SH 29 June, 1969
3. Daughters of St. Thomas - DST 30 June, 1969
4. Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - SABS 18 October, 1970
5. Sisters of St. Martha's Congregation - SMC 10 July, 1977
6. Snehagiri Missionary Sisters - SMS July, 1977
7. Congregation of the Mother of Carmel - CMC 17 June, 1978
8. Franciscan Clarist Congregation - FCC 3 August, 1980
9. Sisters of St. Agatha - SSA 1 November, 1983
10. Missionaries of Charity - MC 16 July, 1985
11. Disciple Sisters of Christ - DSC 25 December, 1993
12. Sisters of St. Joseph Congregation - SJC 17 February, 1999
13. Nazareth sisters - NS 2 June, 2019